Blog Posts and Book Reviews

Letting out my inner Gillman with Ashley Blalock’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” sculpture in Montgomery, AL

The Story So Far…

I’ve always been a storyteller. I used to get in trouble when I was a kid for telling little lies to my parents and teachers about unrealistic things happening to me, like a monster jumping out of the woods to grab me, or goblins stealing my homework. I was always eager to jump up in front of my Kindergarten class to tell a story I had thought of.

The first time I decided to write a story down, I was about eight years old. My family raised me to be a reader, and I devoured books. My taste was always very specific, and I vaguely remember going with my family to the bookstore and looking for a long time for a story about a talking dragonfly helping a princess rescue her sister. I went to my mother and told her I couldn’t find it, and she suggested that I write it myself. I loved that idea and eagerly began my work so that I could read the book I wanted as many times as I wanted. Fifteen years later, I haven’t stopped.

My dreams of being a writer have become more muddled the older I got. I love writing and know that more than anything else I want to spend my life telling stories, but I also really like food and don’t want to go without it for too long. I’m currently in a Master’s program and figuring out what career will give me enough money and satisfaction to live comfortably but also give me enough time to pursue my writing. As you can imagine, I’m struggling a little bit.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been struggling with motivation and satisfaction in my everyday life, and I’m assuming it’s because I haven’t been writing. My focus every day is almost exclusively dedicated to my school work and teaching, and by the end of the day, my brain is too fried to make up stories. It’s been draining, and I feel like if I want to make my goals a reality, I have to do what every writer says is key and carve out time for writing every day. Even if it is just a few minutes, I need to do it.

That’s why I’m here. I want to share my journey and goals with the world so that I have some extra motivation from the audience holding me accountable. I want to create a space for other artists like me to find motivation. More than anything, I want to finally edit the novel I finished writing in 2019.

I hope you will join me on my journey.

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